- BFHA Fundraising
- BFHA Fundraising is a great way to make friends and often have a social aspect to them ...
- BFHA Tournaments
- Learn about tournament opportunities - a great chance to play hockey and make new friends...

BFHA members and friends enjoy an Orioles game.
Of course the Baltimore Field Hockey Association (BFHA) is about playing field hockey. But BFHA also has a strong social aspect; we like to have fun and we want to connect players with one another.
BFHA hosts social events throughout the year, often tied to a particular season of play or an event. Some of the best friends you meet may be through BFHA!
League Socials
During Fall and Summer League play, BFHA's League organizers coordinate with BFHA's social chairs to organize happy hours throughout the season, often at the conclusion of a day's play. We also organize evening socials on weekend nights (these are always fun because you actually get to see your fellow players showered and not in hockey clothes!)

Team members kick back and socialize at Beach Bash, an annual tournament sponsored by BFHA.
Socials often involve grabbing something to drink or eat and we vary the location so that we try different neighborhoods in the Baltimore area, which reflects the makeup of BFHA members - we have BFHA members that live in downtown Baltimore while others live in the surrounding areas.
During Fall League, you can often see BFHA members scrambling out after the day's play to catch the remainder of that Sunday's football games - there is a huge Ravens fan contingent of course, but our members have moved from all of the country and world to Baltimore, so there are some fun team fan rivalries!
Tournament Socials
BFHA also host socials in conjunction with the tournaments we host. At Beach Bash in Rehoboth Beach, DE each April/May, BFHA hosts a Saturday night social for all the teams playing in the tournament. Socials at tournaments are a great chance to get to know fellow club teams in the region.
Fundraisers with a Social Aspect
Additionally, many of BFHA's fundraisers offer a social aspect and a chance to get to know your fellow BFHA members; previous fundraisers involved selling Orioles tickets, working Ravens' games, and guest bartending.
We look forward to meeting you!