Honorary Members
This list has been compiled not only
to honor our Baltimore Field Hockey Association (BFHA)
honorary members, but primarily as an archive of how BFHA
has evolved over the years. BFHA was founded in 1923. That's right, over 90 years of the Baltimore Field Hockey Association!
Over those 90+ years, BFHA has impacted the lives of thousands
of people – including all past and present members, teams that
attend our tournaments, coaches, officials, and countless other
spectators and supporters.
To be named 'Honorary' to such a long-standing
organization is a true privilege and an honor. Honorary
Members are announced each November, during the Annual
General Meeting (AGM). Cindy Madsen, long time former President
of BFHA sums it up well, "BFHA
is so much more than just playing hockey. It's about teamwork,
commitment, and lasting friendships."

- 1. Cynthia Maycock (long-time president of BFHA)
- 2. Karen Knapp
- 3. Karen Sewell
- 4. Bev Snyder
- 5. Mary Kidwell
- 6. Diane DiFerdinando
- 7. Ginger Kincaid
- 8. Liz Price
- 9. Frannie Homer
- 10. Jo Fiske
- 11. Ann Merit
- 12. Flo Bell
- 13. Chantal Moratz / Honorary Since 1999
- 14. Cindy
Madsen / Honorary Since 1980's
- Played in the Southeast Tournament all 4 years in College as a member of the 'Baltimore Washington Colleges team'
- Officially joined BFHA in the Fall of 1975
- Played and/or coached with BFHA for the next 30 years
- Explains how years ago you had to 'try out' for a spot on one of the 3 association teams and were just thrilled when you actually made a team
- Served as Equipment Chair for 25 years
- Served as Vice President for 16 years – from 1990-2006
- Served as Southeast Secretary in the late 90's
- Awarded the Franny Homer Award for a Southeast member in 1998
- Elected as a Southeast Honorary Member in 2006
Cindy’s Memoirs:
Prior to playing with BFHA, she participated in the SEFHA tournament with Frostburg State University each of her 4 years in College ~ made "honorary member" of the "All-College" team as a sophomore, and made "First Team Baltimore-Washington College Team" as a senior. That was back in the days when a lot of the colleges within the SE area competed in the tournament in the same format as the associations do now, with championships awarded to the winning college, and college players picked to represent the Baltimore-Washington area at nationals (similar to what happens with Southeast now). Back then, the Southeast tournament was a 3 day affair, hosted by BFHA, Deep South, Tidewater, and WFHA in turn. Each association had 2 or 3 association teams as well as 2 or 3 college teams represented at the tournament. It was huge undertaking for the hosting association. Once it snowed on a Thursday night when Baltimore was hosting the tournament. Cynthia Maycock (past president and honorary member from way back) bought every snow shovel she could find in the Towson area, and everyone met (mostly Baltimore players but a lot of players from other associations showed up to help) at the Goucher fields early Friday morning to literally shovel the snow off the field so the tournament could go on. Unfortunately, Friday games had to be cancelled but we were able to consolidate the schedule and shorten the games, fitting everything into 2 days. After graduation, she joined BFHA in the fall of '75 and either played and/or coached and/or officiated for the next 30 years. Back then, we had 4 at first, and then 5 club teams, (she was on Chesapeake since the beginning!) and about 50 girls tried out for 3 Baltimore association teams (didn't have any guys back then). It was a pretty big deal to make a team - we had a host of "outside" selectors that came every Sunday to watch individuals play in their club games, then watch association practice. For the first couple of years, she played on Baltimore III, and was thrilled to make a team. The Annual General Meeting (AGM) was a huge affair, held after the club championship game on the final Sunday before the Southeast tournament. More ›
Everyone attended, brought food and drinks, and we would stay and party long into the evening in the old gym at Goucher College. She remembers taking on the role of "Equipment Chair" sometime in the early 80's (a position she kept for the next 25 years). In the fall of 82, she officiated club games and association practice and coached the Baltimore III team but missed playing in the Southeast tournament for the first time (Kevin was born on Nov 28). She made the Baltimore II team in 83, officiated and coached again in 85 (Cari was born in August), moved up in ranks to first alternate to the Baltimore I team, officiated and coached again in 90 (blew her ACL earlier that spring), elected VP that year (remained VP for the next 16 years), back to play with the association on Baltimore II in 91. She coached the Baltimore Club team at the Southeast tournament in 93 (Kris born in December so again she wasn't playing), and was a "selector" at the Southeast tournament. She continued to play / officiate for Chesapeake, play for Baltimore Association teams, and coach Baltimore Club at the Southeast tournament from 94 until 2005. She became a BFHA Honorary member sometime in the late 1980's, was Southeast secretary in the 90’s, and was awarded the Franny Homer Award at Southeast in 1998. Over the years, she has participated in the Summer and Indoor leagues. She has seen BFHA win (and lose) the Association championships at more than 30 Southeast tournaments, grow in membership some years then decline in others, add men to our roster, and host our own tournaments and play days. Many times, we have had to change our "home", searching for appropriate playing fields that are around the area and within the budget so as not to raise the dues. The continuation and growth of BFHA is possible only through the commitment and dedication of its members. All too often, she has seen that it is the same people, year after year, that have that kept BFHA strong. The same people hold positions on the Executive board, or chair committees, or run tournaments, or coordinate leagues within BFHA. These are the people that arrive early to set up and stay late to clean up for play days and tournaments. They never get to play the first couple of weeks of any season because they are too busy registering new players, or officiating the pick-up games. They mow and line the fields during their days or evenings off, pick up and store boards for Indoor, put together goal cages, store equipment between seasons, distribute / collect / wash / store uniforms, and coordinate all tournament needs. They do all of this so that the majority can arrive 15 minutes before game time with just their stick, shin guards, and mouth guard and simply play. They can’t leave the field without repacking all the equipment and fundraiser stuff and uniforms back into their already packed cars. They don’t know what it is like to “just play hockey” on Sunday afternoons. Those are the people whose names will be found on the list of BFHA Honorary members, and she is proud to be on that list. To this day, every Sunday she thinks about BFHA and missed playing, but to Cindy, BFHA was so much more than just playing hockey. It's about teamwork, commitment, and lasting friendships. Her years with BFHA were very special, and the memories of those happy days always bring a smile to her face.
- 15. Louise Smith / Honorary Since 1995
- Started playing with BFHA in 1981; has been playing continuously since then
- Was a Weekenders captain for 5 years
- Played on the association (travel) team from 1981-1987
- Has played in 14+ Southeast Tournaments
- 16. Carol Mercer / Honorary Since 1996
- Started playing in 1980 and played until she was 42 when her daughter Maureen was 2 (so that would be about 2000 or 2001).
- Officiated for clubs forever and also BBOWS, and the Carroll/Howard board most recently (so she is still involved in hockey – officiating, not playing).
- Was the treasurer for 14 years: from 1988 – 2002
- She helped out with a bunch of stuff and Southeast tournaments but again it is just what we did back in the day. You did not have to be on a committee you just showed up and helped and chipped in when ever help was needed.
- Served as team captain for Chesapeake – but can’t remember when or how long
- The cool thing is she still runs into BFHAers at games and they are now coaches, parents and even fellow officials. (She even ran into Cynthia Maycock for you old timers that still know who she is and her daughter Sally they were at Sally's daughter’s game that she was officiating).
- 17. Micky (Michele) Steves / Honorary Since 1996
- Joined in 1982
- Past President
- 18. Barbara Nelson Ketchum / Honorary Since 1997
- Started playing with BFHA on the Tuc-a-Buck team (yellow, it was later renamed to Tequila Sunrise) in 1990
- 1990 - BFHA showed great support with my pituitary adenoma/tumor
- Ran Allied High School Play day from 1991 - 1999
- Served as Secretary in the 1990’s-1998
- 1996 - married Andy (maiden name was Nelson)
- Served as BFHA President from 1999-2000
- 2002 gave birth to daughter, Abbey
- 2003 Summer League co-chair; last year played BFHA
- 19. Diana Hegmann / Honorary Since 1998
- She has been with Baltimore Field Hockey Association since 1989
- She began to take additional responsibility three years after starting
- Over the years, she has volunteered for a number of BFHA positions
- Southeast Tournament Chair for many years
- Fall Club Chairperson for many years
- Association Tournament Chairperson, 1998 to 2001
- President, Nov, 1994 to 1998
- Secretary, Nov, 1992 to 1994
- Southeast Field Hockey Association (SEFA) for many years
- SEFA Chair/President, 2001 - 2003
- SEFA Secretary, 1999 to 2001
- She assists whenever needed with tournament set ups, fundraisers, social activities, and more
- She continues to play in BFHA leagues and tournaments when she can!
- 20. Kimmie Mercer / Honorary Since 1999
- Joined BFHA in the Fall of 1982 @ the young impressionable age of 17. Was inducted as a Chesapeake-er. Started playing for Southeast in that same year.
- Served as Treasurer for BFHA approximately 1984-1988
- Continued to play with BFHA over 20+ years
- 21. Patti Webb / Honorary Since 2001
- Joined BFHA the fall of 1995 and placed on Tequila Sunrise
- Was elected to the board as indoor co-chair at the AGM in Nov. 1995 (when Liz Whelan Lynch leaned over and said – hey, want to help me with indoor?) even though she had never even played indoor with BFHA and she barely knew Liz!
- Chaired/Co-Chaired Indoor Adult League for 10 seasons from: Jan. 1996 though Mar. 2005. In 1996-1998 we played at the College of Notre Dame with just 1 court where we normally had less than 30 registered players. We moved the league to Dundalk CC in 1999. Now our indoor league has over 80 registered players!
- Ran the Adult Indoor Tournament for 10 years: 1996 – 2005. Moved the tournament from Dundalk CC to Essex CC in 1997. Some of those years included a men’s division as well as a women’s division.
- Liz Whelan and Patti started the High School Indoor Tournament in 1997, and she ran it (with help) for a total of 9 years: 1997-2005. Most years it was run as a National Qualifying Tourney for USFHA. In 1997 BFHA hosted 6 high school teams, and in 2005 we hosted 20 high school teams!
- Created the Beach Bash Tournament in 2000 and has run it with husband Carey for 8 years: 2000-present. In 2000 we had 8 teams, and in 2007 we had 32 teams and had to turn away a ton! It all started by her comment to Carey, ‘Wouldn’t it be fun to have a tournament in Rehoboth?’.
- Ran the Southeast Tournament in 1998 and in 2006. 1998 was the first year we gave out free t-shirts at the tournament and the first year outside club teams were invited to the tournament. The Saturday social in 1998 was held in the gym and hallway at Dundalk CC– complete with a keg and drinking games between teams (flip cup).
- Served as Selection Chair in 1997 (no longer a board position)
- She has staked out the corners and helped line over 50 fields in preparation for BFHA tournaments/events over the years, and moved countless number of goal cages around the beltway shoved in the back of a U-haul hoping that it wouldn’t fall out (sometimes at 1AM in the snow).
- Has helped design and build 5 sets of goal cages for BFHA
- BFHA president (term ended in Fall 08)
- 22. Jane Whyte / Honorary Since 2002
- Started playing with BFHA around 1984
- Has designed countless t-shirt logos for as long as all of the active BFHA players can remember. That’s right – every BFHA league and tournament t-shirt that you own has a Jane Whyte original logo on it.
- Was always the initiator of impromptu BFHA happy hours – especially on Sunday nights after indoor league!
- 23. Stacie Gado / Honorary Since 2003
- Joined BFHA in the fall of 1998
- Elected fundraising co-chair 11/98 with Neil & Melodie Keenan; continued position until 11/2000, sometimes with sister Kimberly
- Elected President of BFHA in 11/2000; served as president until 11/2002
- Elected Fall Association/Schedule coordinator 11/03
- Served as Vice President of Southeast Field Hockey Association and has organized the SE team that travels to the National Field Hockey Festival
- Is the ‘recycle queen’ among BFHA. Initiated Recycling at all of our BFHA tournaments and leagues– and has been seen picking through the trash to pull out recyclables on many occasions.
- Is always there to help set up and clean up every BFHA event
- 24. Kimberly Gado / Honorary Since 2004
- Joined BFHA in January 1999
- Co-Chair Fundraising 1999
- Chair Fundraising 2000
- Chair Southeast Tourney 2000 and 2001
- President 2002-2006
- Ran High School Summer League in 2005
- Co-Chair Allied Play day 2006
- Secretary 2006
- Is always there to help set up and clean up every BFHA event
- One Southeast tournament (probably 2002), she was out at Dundalk High School with Jenny H. and others, at around 5:00am in the pouring rain trying to figure out if the fields were still playable. Unfortunately, it continued to rain all weekend and that was probably the first SE ever canceled!
- 25. Jenny Hughes / Honorary Since 2004
- Joined BFHA in the summer of 1999 while in college. Played summers only until 2001. Had front teeth knocked out one night at summer league!
- Started playing full-time with BFHA in 2001 and began helping out with various events/tournaments.
- Elected the Southeast co-Chair with Kimberly Gado at the Annual General Meeting (AGM in 2001)
- 2002-2003 Assisted Southeast Tournament with Kimberly Gado
- Became the Southeast (SE) Tournament Chair in 2003 and held position for 2 years. As the chair, ran the SE Tournament and attended the SE board meetings.
- 2004-2005 Director SE Tourney
- Assisted Southeast Tournament Organizer for many years
- 2001-2005 Helped field/tournament set up for Beach Bash, Indoor Tourney, SE, High School Indoor League and all other events
- 2005 Became Honorary member BFHA
- 2006-2007 Tournament Team Organizer BFHA
- 2007 - 2011 Vice President of BFHA
- 2004- 2005 Assisted with coaching Indoor High School League BFHA
- 2004 - 2005 Assisted Indoor Tournament BFHA
- 26. Liz Whelan Lynch / Honorary Since 2004
- After she graduated from college, she linked up with a lacrosse organization but, it was two years before she learned of BFHA. She began during Indoor Season in January 1990. She played travel with Diana Hegmann (nee Weinapple), Kimmie Mercer, Mel Fallon, Barb Nelson, Tori Richtol (nee Plank) and others. During Fall 1990, Liz was placed on Yellow Team. In those days we were called "Tuck-a-Buck." This name came from Yorkridge-Calvert Savings Bank who had a slogan, "tuck a buck away at Yorkridge-Calvert Savings." At some point, after many beers, a group of us decided that since the bank was gone we should approach the board about changing our name to Tequila Sunrise. I think that was her first Board Meeting.
- At the next AGM somebody came up and whispered in Tori's and my ears, "Why don't you two co-chair Indoor Season." She did it for three seasons with Tori and then when she moved away, she whispered to Patti Webb (nee Fichter), "Why don't you co-chair with me?" And after two years of co-chairing with me, and countless seasons chairing it solo and with others . . . well . . . she basically got BFHA's current president on the leadership path with our organization.
- She played travel and represented Baltimore in Southeast all but one time (when she had daughter Maggie). She traveled to Hockey Fest three times and played on the Southeast team and Baltimore team.
- She is one of the co-founders of the Baltimore Storm, a fomer travel indoor team.
- She has had other Board Positions with BFHA
- Her last Board Position she was secretary during one of Kim Gado's terms as President. She completely bombed at her task. This is important, potential and current Board Members, this organization doesn't run on its own - it needs volunteers. But by the same token, knowing when you can no longer fulfill a commitment and bowing out gracefully is equally important.
- Good times is what she remembers about BFHA. On and off the field. Car washes, hanging out at snowball stands, in bars or just in the parking lot after a game. Road trips and crazy sleeping arrangements and accommodations. Winning an indoor tournament without a goalie. Bruises, aches and pains and, yes, a few stitches and broken bones. Worth it? Absolutely!
- BFHA has seen Liz through so many changes in her life and allowed her to be a part of so many others. At least 6 BFHA'ers chopped off their ponytails and donated them to Locks of Love when we learned of the charity from our teammate, Gina Leonhartt. She has made so many friends: Liz has been a bridesmaid, maid-of-honor, and godmother all because of BFHA. She cannot imagine celebrating a milestone in her life without my friends from BFHA being a part of it.
- Liz became an Honorary in 2003 or 2004. When they read the description aloud at the AGM, she didn't even recognize herself in the description. She was and remain quite humbled by the nomination; there are so many people who have given so much more. But she has always given as much as she could give and she really appreciates being recognized for that.
- BFHA is technically a hockey organization, but she's made deep lifelong friendships that feel more like family.
- 27. Suzanne Riley / Honorary Since 2004
- 28. Josephine Worthington / Honorary Since 2004
- Joined BFHA in 1995 and was put on Tequila Sunrise for Fall League
- 1996 played Indoor at College of Notre Dame and at Garrison Forest School
- Has held various BFHA Board positions, including Fall Clubs and Fundraising committee
- 29. Carey Webb / Honorary Since 2005
- Became involved in BFHA in 1995 not as a player, but as a supportive boyfriend and then husband. Helped run & set up all events run by his wife, even years before he played hockey!
- Has participated in every Indoor Tournament set-up at Essex, 1997-present. Contributions included helping move goal cages in the back of a U-Haul van from Goucher to Essex with Patti and Liz Whelan Lynch in the snow at 1:00 in the morning for the 1997 indoor tourney. In the early years, always seemed to be the driver of the circa 1970 stick shift U-Haul for the Hechinger/Lowe’s run for pressure treated 4x4’s.
- Actually started playing hockey in January 2001 after undergoing strict training by wife/coach Patti, including drills in the Webb basement.
- Helped create the Beach Bash tournament and run it for 8 years: 2000 – present. Locations have been Cape Henlopen State Park in 2000, Rehoboth Elementary from 2001-2006, Hudson Fields in 2007. For the 2001 Tournament, called every field hockey official on the East Coast on the Thursday before the tournament begging for help.
- Ran High School Clinic at Church Lane in 2001 and 2002
- Created High School Summer League and ran for 3 years - summers of 2003 – 2005. For some years it was 2 nights a week on East (Orems Elem.) and West (Church Lane) sides of beltway.
- Initiated our High School Indoor League in 2002 and helped to run it through 2005
- Following Carol Mercer, served as Treasurer for 4 years, 2002-2005
- Has staked out the corners and helped line over 55 fields in preparation for BFHA tournaments/events over the years – including 4 fields in the pouring, cold rain for the 2003 SE tourney at Dundalk H.S. with the help of Dave Peel and Deb West.
- Team Webb has helped engineer and build 5 sets of goal cages for BFHA. For the record, PVC pipe gets brittle after exposed to the sun!
- Have on more than one occasion loaded up the red Troy-Bilt and cut the grass of a field hockey field for Beach Bash and High School Play day.
- Have donated a corner of the Webb property to goal cage storage
- Initiated the move of the Southeast Tournament from Dundalk H.S. to the Maryland Polo Fields in 2005
- 30. Kerry Murawski / Honorary Since 2006
- Played at the Southeast Tournament 2000 for the Mulberry team; that is where she learned about BFHA
- Joined BFHA 2001 for the Indoor season
- Started to get involved little by little. She would always and still do play in tournaments, help set up and break down for tournaments, run various leagues/events and has held various board positions.
- Served as Fundraising chair – organizing a carwash and sold entertainment books. Held this position back in 2004 or 2005.
- High School Indoor Chair with Tracey Boettinger for many years
- Summer League Chair for many years
- Helped out with the Indoor Tournament for many years
- Helped as part of the Beach Bash Committee for many years
- BFHA Treasurer for many years
- 31. Donna Youngberg / Honorary Since 2008
- When she began playing field hockey - way before the turn of the century - most players didn't know anything about the game until high school. Picking up her first stick as a sophomore was not unusual. After high school she continued to play while attending Harford Community College and then Towson State. Those years provided valuable experience which Donna used when she returned to work and coach at Harford Community College.
- As a young coach she realized that she wasn't ready to quit playing the game. She joined the Baltimore Field Hockey Association (BFHA) with a few friends and for the next 13 years her schedule included both coaching and playing. For several years her participation in the Southeast Tournament meant traveling to various states and juggling playing for Baltimore as well as coaching a team selected from various Maryland Colleges.
- Over the years, other BFHA involvement included playing on the Motley fall league team, setup and tear down for tournaments, serving on committees, including an initial player survey to measure player satisfaction, and assisting with various tasks as needed.
- Field Hockey has changed tremendously over the past 30+ years. BFHA stays current and the league continues to prosper and provide extensive opportunities for players. It is a pleasure to be a part of this organization where friendships grow and she can still enjoy learning something new about this game from the many talented players who participate.
- 32. Richard Hegmann / Honorary Since 2008
- 33. Michelle Geczy / Honorary Since 2009
- Joined BFHA in 2002
- Plays hockey year round, all BFHA seasons and leagues and has since 2002
- Has held various BFHA Board positions, including High School Indoor Co-Chair, Adult Indoor League Chair, Social Co-Chair, Player Rep and Webmaster
- Currently BFHA Webmaster and Player Rep
- Always volunteers and helps out at tournaments, ref, etc.
- Captain of Weekenders Fall Team
- 34. Heather Murawski / Honorary Since 2009
- Sister of Kerry Murawski
Heather has attended many BFHA tournaments over the years, including helping to set up for the high school indoor tournament
At Beach Bash, she has come to Rehoboth a day or two early to set up the fields, help with registration, sell t-shirts, and clean up on Sunday when everyone rushes to leave
At Southeast, she's helped with set up and food sales
The best part: she isn’t even a member of BFHA!
The ironic part: she doesn’t even play field hockey.Therefore, we would like to make Heather Murawski an honorary member of BFHA. BFHA greatly appreciates it.
© 2023, Baltimore Field Hockey Association